Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Building a Better Buggy: Part 1

So, as many of you know, GW hasn't really updated their Ork Buggy design since ye old Gorkamorka days. The itty bitty buggy doesn't really fit in with the current Orks, and just feels a bit lacking, ya know? Don't get me wrong, I think it's a cool model, but it just doesn't feel bulky enough for the Waaaauuugh these days.

The current Warbuggy. Image from Games Workshop's website.
So, me being the enterprising Warboss that I am, I decided to see if I could build myself a satisfactory Warbuggy for my troops.

I had some wheels in my bit box that I had busted off a toy car years ago so I started there. I needed a base to attach them to, so I grabbed some cardboard and toothpicks and started gluing and chopping.

Front wheels on the toothpick platform.

A peek at the undercarriage. There's some sprue strengthening it up.

Both sets of wheels on. It's a start!
Then, I decided to start building a place for the driver to sit. I had no plan going into this, and if I could go back I think I'd want to have sketched up some designs first. However, planning things out didn't seem very Orky and it was late at night so I just made it up as I went along.

Adjusting some random fantasy Orc bits I found into a plausible driving position.

He looks like he could be sitting!

He needed a cool seat, so I built one out of shields.
 Then, the driver needed a way to steer. My compatriot and fellow Warboss, Bradley, hooked me up with the handlebars from an old bike (among many other choice bits for my projects, thank you sir) so I decided that attaching them to some sprue would do the trick. Then I chopped up some old credit cards to make a mean looking ram thingy as well as a platform for the gunner on the back.

The credit card ram thingy. I chopped up a spare spear for the rivets.
Then, I needed to figure out what I was going to do about a gunner. Another rummage through my trusty bits box and I found a good fantasy Orc body to chop up and some cannon looking bits.

Looking at the body for the gunner.

He has a head here, and I'm starting to fit together the gun and gun platform.

I decided to stick with the wood motif. I think it looks extra ramshackle!

A shot from the side.

I didn't want to have the wood slats all over, so I made some riveted chunks.

After I got to this point, I was a little burnt out and I didn't know where to go from here. In part 2, we'll look at the details that got added and hopefully end with it primed and ready to paint!

Thanks a ton for checking out my post! I'll see you later for part 2.

Building a Better Buggy: Part 1

So, as many of you know, GW hasn't really updated their Ork Buggy design since ye old Gorkamorka days. The itty bitty buggy doesn't ...